Reflecting on 200 Years of Policing: From Tradition to Transformative Community Safety

  Over the past two centuries, policing has evolved significantly—from early enforcement-focused models to today’s integrated, community-driven approaches. This journey, captured in this graphic, illustrates how our understanding of safety has expanded beyond traditional policing to include community well-being and collaborative solutions. The focus on public service and trust began in 1829 with the formation …

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Defunding the police: Reflecting on the US experience and lessons learned for Canada

This is one of the most thorough, persuasive, and well-written pieces regarding the efforts to defund and eliminate the police. The challenge seems to suggest a viable alternative to police for contemporary democracy. There are numerous pilot programmes which are very promising. However, there isn’t a single instance in literature of a location where the …

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Reasons not to freeze or cut the OPS budget

Abid Jan – Feb 02, 2023. This is not surprising that ten Ottawa community groups released a statement Wednesday calling for a freeze to the police budget and investment in other services. This is again that time of the year for heated budget discussions, including Ottawa Police budget. There are many divergent views. However, for …

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Opportunities for police reform

Police reforms are needed. However, reforms need to take 360 degrees of perspective to help us understand that policing is a challenging job to do. It is costly and complex. Police officers are not born and bread in police academies. They are part of the same society and reflect its values. They interact with community …

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A welcome step by Halton Police

A welcome step by Halton Police. Community and police forces are collaborating in preventative efforts. However, when it comes to enforcement, unfortunately, in the Criminal Code of Canada, there is no such thing as Hate Crime. Hate Crime doesn’t exist. No wonder why nearly a quarter million Canadians said they were victims of hate-motivated incidents …

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Both far left and far right are avoiding the common ground

We must seriously consider a lesson from the US experience because trends from the South are replicated in the North – sometimes without delay. We are witnessing copycat extremism and polarisation in Canada, from insurrection (occupation) in the capital to hijacking the social justice movement and holding law enforcement alone responsible for the pervasive systemic …

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Violent Attack near Gloucester High School

The petition ( ) is fine – calling for steps to ensure this violence never takes place again to the visible minorities due to race, religion, gender, or any other distinctions that might indicate vulnerability. Board officials contacting the Ottawa police is fine, as is the offer to cooperate with the investigations. However, we need to …

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Assault charges after the fact vs a proactive, upstream intervention for longer and deeper impact

Freeing schools from intimidation, harassment, and violence requires more than just punishing individuals after the fact. Students will benefit most from stopping hate-motivated harassment from happening at all. The right approach needs to incorporate several preventative strategies. Besides policies and procedures, schools need to use all programs activities at their disposal – from class rooms …

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A lesson from the South: How defunding the police failed?

Minneapolis voters not only resoundingly rejected what was seen as the “defund” initiative, they also voted to strengthen the office of the mayor and reelected Frey, who’d become a local avatar for moderate Democrats put off by the party’s most liberal wing. [contentcards url=”” target=”_blank”]

Police reforms that could be model for other communities

Sometimes a few simple steps can save lives and resources. In this case: Partnership with local mental health agencies. Gathering necessary information about people with mental health. Preparing officers for the MH crisis calls made a huge difference. We don’t need to take years and continually invest heavily in reinventing the wheel with chances of …

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Respond to crisis calls: A new approach

Here is an interesting new approach tried by some police services in US. Persons with mental illness have been killed or seriously injured during attempts to manage their crises. A growing number of very recent reports (like the following) confirm that COLLABORATION between law enforcement and mental health systems is crucial, and the very different …

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Alberta leads – others need to follow the suit

Alberta updates Crown prosecutor’s manual to go after hate crimes Great progress indeed: “Prosecutors will now be explicitly directed that it would be in the ‘general public interest’ to prosecute a crime motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on the victim’s ethnicity, gender, religion and sexual orientation, among other markers of identity.” Other jurisdictions …

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The impact of police leadership on public trust

An interesting read. The author, a retired commissioner of the OPP, believes it’s critically important to be aware of the linkages between public trust in police and police leadership, as the factors influencing public perception of police services are much bigger than officers on patrol can control. Chris argues there is not sufficient acknowledgment of …

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